Yes, no, or maybe? Doubt about an important contractor license issue is a healthy sign. While law is written, how it gets interpreted over time is hard to know. That’s why checking with an expert is a good idea. Keeping track of change in your entity, making sure paperwork is processed and up to date another challenge with definite consequences. And our last contractor says nobody knows his work and experience more than he does. Is that enough?…
Q: I have been the Responsible Managing Officer (RMO) for a company license for the past several years. They agreed when I originally signed on with them to pay for the reactivation of my personal license upon my departure. We are getting things in line to have me replaced on the company license by year-end and reactivate my personal license. I have an LLC which is already set up. Am I able to pay to reactivate my personal license but assign it to my LLC?
A: The ultimate answer is yes, but while you automatically assume you’d need to submit a reactivation, you would actually need to apply for a “new” license for the LLC and request the Sole Owner license number be re-issued to the LLC. In order to be approved for the sole owner to LLC/Corporation transfer, you are required to own at least 51% of the LLC/Corporation.
Q: I don’t know how this was missed but our license is currently Suspended for lack of Qualifier. We knew our Qualifying Person left the company but we thought we had 90 days to replace him. When I was notified by a customer the license was suspended, I went online to see his disassociation date was shown as three months ago! I’m not sure how that happened, but what do I do to fix it?
A: It’s possible your Qualifier submitted a back-dated Disassociation notice. I see that you have been an Officer on the license for over five years, so my suggestion would be for you to submit an application to be his replacement ASAP! You can ask for a Waiver of the exams based on B&P Code section 7065.1. Contact my office if you would like help with expediting the process.
Q: I am a General Contractor and I’m looking to add some specialty C-classes to my license. Am I able to sign off for my own work experience for these since I’m a GC?
A: No, the CSLB never allows for a Qualifier to sign off on their own work experience. You are required to have someone else with first-hand knowledge of your work background certify and sign to verify your experience.