Exam Waiver, RME/RMO and General Scope

The only way to be individually active, and qualify a license as well, is to have ‘skin’ in

the game. I let the ‘air’ out of a General’s plan, while helping an RMO clear up his

‘calendar’ problem…

Q”: We currently hold “”B and a “C-51” license and are looking to add “C-39” (roofing)

work to our scope. I am considering an individual that will work full time and has his

“C-39”. If he is the RME can he continue his weekend work under his license as well?

Or would he need to be an Responsible Managing Officer (RMO)?

A: The only way he would be able to keep his personal license active while acting as

your “C-39″ Qualifier is if he’s an RMO and owns at least 20% of your company. If he

doesn’t own at least 20%, he would be required to inactivate his personal license.

Q: Hi Shauna, I found your company through google. If we hold a General “B”license

but do HVAC work as incidental work over the last 20 years. Is there a way to add the

“C-20”(HVAC) license to our company while having the exam waived?

A: Thank you for contacting me. No, the CSLB does not consider the “C-20” to be a

closely related and significant component to the General “B” license. Therefore, if you

wanted to add it to your license, the person you decide to use as your Qualifier would

be required to show their experience and sit for the exam.

Q: When replacing our current RMO with another RMO, how long does the new RMO’s

name need to be listed as an Officer on the license with the CSLB? Does the

replacement RMO need to have worked at the corporation in a supervisory capacity for

5 of the last 7 years?

A: No, not necessarily. If the replacement RMO is wanting to be granted a waiver of the

exams, he/she would either need to be listed as an Officer on the license for 5 out of the

last 7 years, OR worked for the company in a Supervisory capacity for 5 out of the last 7

years. If the person is not concerned with a Waiver, then they just need to show the

experience in the Trade and there is no particular time frame in which the individual

has to have been listed as an Officer.