Capitol Services

Capitol Services

Basic CA License, SOS, FTB, CSLB

If we had a ‘Way Back’ machine like the old ‘Rocky and Bullwinkle Show,’ we could revisit those days when government kept what it knows about you and your business on file cards. As one contractor has discovered that isn’t…

RMO/RME, Generals, Partnerships

Okay, a corporation, a partnership and a duck walk into a bar. The duck isn’t part of the story, but the two contractor’s questions begin a complicated journey to a complex answer. Remember it’s not the destination that teaches us…

CSLB Reference, General License

We begin with what can only be described as a ‘no–win’ situation for one contractor. We finish with a ‘win-win’ for contractors everywhere… Q: As we discussed on the phone, the Responsible Managing Employee (RME) we’re going to hire has…

Back Up Licenses, Qualifiers and Liens

Would you consider not ‘backing up’ your computer files? What would happen to your contractor’s license if your qualifier quit like an outdated hard drive? I will ‘quantify’ the value of being ‘responsible’ and, finally cry out on another contractor’s…

Electrical & General Licenses

I want to wish all my readers a Happy and Prosperous 2010. This last year has been a rough one for the construction industry. As we look forward to this New Year, let us hope that the perceived economic turn-a-round…