Capitol Services

Capitol Services

Electrical & General Licenses

I want to wish all my readers a Happy and Prosperous 2010. This last year has been a rough one for the construction industry. As we look forward to this New Year, let us hope that the perceived economic turn-a-round…

Generals, DBA’s and Low Voltage

Innovation in the marketplace is one of the few benefits from a downturn. New technology, ‘green’ practices and new markets are being created in this recession. Many contractors are looking at new ways to work by adding to the utility…

CSLB Legal & License Opinions

Keeping an eye on CSLB policy and practice is part of my work. Sharing those developments with you, and commenting on important changes for contractors are other parts of my job. My work also takes me to meetings where discussion…

Worker Comp in CA & AZ Application

I get excited knowing the questions and answers in this column can improve life for contractors. All most contractor’s want in competitive bidding is a level playing field. Unfortunately, some place bids knowing they are exposing their workers to danger…

Landscaping & B License

You hire a licensed landscaper to create and maintain your property, but did you know he could also bid for the contract to build your swimming pool? One of the ways to obtain a low contractor’s license number in California…

DAS & Hazardous Certification

Another important alert for corporate contractors comes with a lesson on ‘un-ringing the bell.’ We learn that once an application is made it’s a ‘done deal.’ First, two contractors are looking at ways to expand their opportunities in these leaner…