Capitol Services

Capitol Services

General California License

People often seek a second opinion when they don’t like the answer they get. When it comes to applying the law to contractor’s licensing, the CSLB usually has the final say. However, it seems there is some ‘exception’ to the…

A & B Waiver, RMO/RME

In writing this column, reader feedback is one of the best ‘gifts’ I receive from contractors’. It signals validation of the value readers receive in taking time to educate themselves beyond the basics. Our first contractor has come back to…

License Transfer After Death

‘Time is money’ is an old cliché. However, waiting too long or missing a deadline can cost you plenty. While one contractor learns he can’t afford to wait ‘one day’ to renew an expired license, another will likely be given…

Solar Electric

Contractors are finding one ‘bright’ spot in the growing demand for ‘green’ energy. Another electrical contractor feels they are getting ‘burned’ by misinterpretation of the license rules. I will ‘bond’ with another contractor before helping a crane operator understand when…


The Chinese character for crisis is the same as that for opportunity. With the recession requiring contractors to find new ways and new avenues to profit, the idea of qualifying a new license is one frequent topic of conversation. I…

A & B License & Self Employment

California’s complex laws and some common misconceptions can frustrate both contractors and those who may desire a license. A simple name change, or even a lack of a clear understanding of the rules, can ‘mow down’ your business plan before…