Capitol Services

Capitol Services

Specialty Work & General Rules

Walking a fine ‘line’ is one of the skills some contractors ‘utilize’ in taking on work that may be a little outside their specific license. The question of how many trades a General can take on is sometimes subject to…

Unlicensed Contractors Enforcement

The benefit of having the latest news from important government meetings often means you have to attend. For contractors time is money, and that’s why I’m your ‘eyes and ears’ in these meeting rooms. Reducing unfair competition for licensed contractors…

RME Qualifiers & Business Name

Doing business as a contractor is difficult and rewarding, but the learning curve never ends. The complex rules that govern contracting matters both large and small can extend to a single word in your company name… Q: I formed a…

Handyman & CSLB Publications

When consumers need minor repairs or think about remodeling, they often mistakenly look first for someone who is ‘handy’ at the job. However, as current California law is written there is no specific ‘handyman’ license, despite what you may read…

Multiple DBA’s & Business Names

Long time readers have already learned that getting the best or latest interpretation of license law always comes from the main office. When contractors grow, by ‘doing-business-as’ (DBA) a second or third license entity, how you structure those companies does…

General CA Contractor License

There are always sad stories coming from economic crisis, but letting frustration with those conditions determine your behavior is also sad. We begin with a contractor who let things go too far in seeking ‘justice’ for money owed. You can…