Capitol Services

Capitol Services

Hazardous Certification In California

These contractor inquiries about rules and regulations regarding electrical and hazardous removal have been assembled from past columns, and answer some of the questions contractors are asking now. Plugging into hi tech power demand and removing what was once ‘state…

California License Reciprocity

If you could get a contractor’s license without lots of testing wouldn’t it be great? Well you probably can if you cross the California border. When does ‘managing’ a construction project for an owner cross the line and require a…

Disadvantaged Business Enterprises

While the 3% goal for including certified disabled-veteran owned companies (DVBE) remains in place, goals for other ‘disadvantaged’ businesses providing goods and services in California have changed. Remember Proposition 209? We also open a ‘vent’ to let some fresh air…

Underground Economy CSLB Enforcement

What would a level playing field look like for contractors? How do partnerships help the State clamp down on unlicensed contractors and illegal activities? What is the CSLB doing to help legitimate contractors during this severe economic downturn? These were…

CSLB Enforcement Workers Comp

When it comes to unlicensed contractors or unfair competition, the CSLB is on the hunt in California. You can bet when they get a clue, SWIFT action follows. Concern about those cheating legitimate licensed contractors in the ‘underground economy’ goes…

General California Contractors

Attention! I will address some “general” questions for the troops. At ease! We brief contractors and conquer some misconceptions about the General Building license and how it can be used. Another contractor wants his son to take a big ‘stride…