Contractor Licensing FAQs

The Capitol Connection is our weekly Q & A column for contractors that focuses on topics pertaining to contractor's licensing.

Disassociation Notice, Solar Disclosures and Unlicensed Subs

If your worker ‘subverts’ the truth about his licensing are you ‘generally’ in trouble? There’s no place like ‘homeowner’s association’, I enlighten a contractor on a solar question and prevent an ‘alteration’ that would get another nothing but ‘rejection’…  Q: Does California have a requirement for General Contractors to ensure subcontractor licensing? We’ve recently become aware that a…

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Qualifying Multiple Licenses, Fire Prevention Rule and SWIFT Justice

Props to a publisher who gets a ‘swift’ pat on the back, a good answer for a helpful pair and we get ‘real’, really… It’s great to see the work of the CSLB SWIFT enforcement teams get front page coverage in the Sacramento area’s Messenger Publishing newspapers and websites. Unlicensed activity just hurts everyone, a harm…

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NV Financial Requirement, Adding a Family Member & Waiver Consideration for Generals

Your son may be bright but how can you ‘incorporate’ him on your license?A ‘concrete’ result for a General’s inquiry will require greater details to be firmed up and a new Nevada venture will need to make a ‘statement’ to be successful… Q:  My son has been working for me for years.  He’s not an Officer of the…

Read MoreNV Financial Requirement, Adding a Family Member & Waiver Consideration for Generals

Disassociation Timing, License Waivers and Registering Your DBA

Let’s ‘file’ the rough edges off a new rule on those ‘doing business as’ in California. Another contractor’s best laid plans crash when they get ‘waived’ off while another RME problem may have two ‘individual’ solutions pending the final test… Q:  We are a sign installation company, but we are needing to get a General Contractor’s license…

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Social Security for Foreign Officers, Carpentry and LLC Business Name Transfers

Some electrical work is just ‘plug and play’ for a carpenter? A name change won’t work in another contractor’s company transformation that is turning into a ‘bad dream’ for him.  I also share why a ‘foreign’ officer will have to be ‘qualified’ to come ashore as a legal contractor… Q:  Can a “C-6” (Cabinet, Millwork and Finish…

Read MoreSocial Security for Foreign Officers, Carpentry and LLC Business Name Transfers

Sharing Contractor Licensing, Transatlantic Experience Credit and Fingerprinting for Inactive License Renewal

You can ‘share’ so much in social media these days, but in the real world of contracting not this! You may detect a slight accent in one inquiry while another contractor plans on mixing business and pleasure while in California… Q:  You recently helped our Iowa company obtain a California contractor’s license. Can you help me understand…

Read MoreSharing Contractor Licensing, Transatlantic Experience Credit and Fingerprinting for Inactive License Renewal