Capitol Services

Capitol Services

Lowdown on Low License Numbers

I wouldn’t try to make a violin from scratch. That skill takes time, practice and hard work to learn, particularly those little ‘tricks of the trade’. It’s what we think of as ‘working’ knowledge. Working with contractors and the Board…

The 4-1-1 on BQI

The contractor that will build the first time machine hasn’t come along yet as far as I know. However did you know some contractors can ‘go back in time’ and retrieve their ‘original’ license number — even though that license…

‘bureaucratese’; promotions

Q: I happened upon your website ( and thought you may have some advice and or answer to a particular licensing question. Here is the situation: My Original CA license was issued in1997 and I had three Additional classes…

Contractor On The Job Training

While most people become contractors after ‘on the job’ training, there are some who would like to approach it as a ‘second’ career. While becoming a licensed contractor is possible for most everyone, it’s rarely easy or immediate for anyone.…