Capitol Services

Capitol Services

Cost of License

What’s it cost to get your license now? Those fees and associated costs have risen with some new requirements. Is there a ‘handywoman’ license? Every contractor with employees should take note of the important news regarding a recent court decision……

Disabled Veterans

From ‘junk’ mail to e-mail spam, if someone believes they can sell you something in a message, they will find a way. Are you a disabled veteran? A major business expo for contractors with military service is just around the…

Business Names on Vehicles

Knowing when your license renewal is due depends on how completely you’ve ‘addressed’ a change in your life. As a contractor, can you ‘live large’ when you put your name on a company vehicle? As contractors from across the country…

Borrowing a License

Some people don’t ‘test’ well. Exceptions exist for contractors but ultimately your ‘experience’ will be tested if you want a license. Can you ‘borrow’ a license? Those questions and news about California removing ‘roadblocks’ that proved to be ‘stop’ signs…

CSLB Recognition

Over a hundred people got special ‘bracelets’ from the CSLB in recognition of their ‘work’. Can a contractor preserve a partnership license while removing a partner? ‘Generally’ that has some ‘limited’ consequences. Another contractor discovers why what worked for him…

Unlicensed Contractors Give Bad Name

They are not actual rats, but they don’t deserve any more respect than real vermin. Who? Unlicensed contractors who give legitimate licensed contractors a bad name and cause real damage to consumers who fall victim to their ‘low-down’ pitches. Now,…

Is it right to do wrong?

Is it right to do wrong, if it’s only once in a while? ‘Are you only guilty if you get caught?’ I saw that ‘philosophy’ on a T-shirt recently and that may explain the first question. If you ‘bet’ on…

Dangers of Late Renewal

You will not hear any trumpets blaring, bells ringing or alarms sounding warning but I have a serious call to action for contractors. Don’t read this at your own peril, or to paraphrase John Donne, ‘don’t ask for whom the…

A, B, C Licenses

You can’t always believe what someone ‘knows’ to be true when it comes to contractor’s licensing. A large part of those rules and regulations are complex, depend on exact wording and how they’ve been interpreted and applied by the Board…