Contractor Licensing FAQs

The Capitol Connection is our weekly Q & A column for contractors that focuses on topics pertaining to contractor's licensing.

Public Art Installation, Degree Credit and Qualifying Multiple Licenses

I will get ‘artsy’ before this installation of questions and answers concludes!  First, let’s give extended life to a ‘zombie’ license, before pumping the brakes on a purchase agreement. Another inquiry illustrates how contractor license law is sometimes murkier than clear, despite having the rules in writing… Q: Am I able to add a classification to…

Read MorePublic Art Installation, Degree Credit and Qualifying Multiple Licenses

Removing a License Class, 5 Year Rule and General Building Scope

Contractor license regulation can seem like a slippery slope. But don’t expect they let anything ‘slide’. A General finds themselves out ‘classed’, while another contractor discovers how deep the hole they’ve ‘dug’ is.  Like the ‘lifeguard’ of complex rules, don’t worry, I will throw them a ‘lifesaver’… Q: We have an employee that had a “C-33”…

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Bonds, Expired License and Waiver Rule

When it comes to ‘passing the baton’ in a contracting business you want to make sure not to drop it, so I’m glad you called. Another contractor needs expert support in his ongoing license ‘drama’ because some problems have options, others just consequences…  Q: I am the President and Responsible Managing Officer (RMO) of a closely…

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