Contractor Licensing FAQs

The Capitol Connection is our weekly Q & A column for contractors that focuses on topics pertaining to contractor's licensing.

Parent Subsidiary Licenses, Disassociation Limit and Public Works

Sometimes the difference in licensing is a ‘federal case’ in public works. Another contractor has ‘elected’ to replace the President! That isn’t always required, and while you can’t share a license between individuals, in most cases the same is also true for businesses. I wrap up with a ‘wait’ and see answer… Q: I currently have…

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Converting Entity in Business Purchase and RME Scope

Having assisted contractors for many years I have found friends who return time and time again.  Others might need a little ‘conversion’. Another contractor learns ‘timing’ is everything in comedy and contracting.  I’m proud to help and offer every contractor an open door!  Q: I spoke to you earlier this year regarding the purchase of an existing Contracting…

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