Contractor Licensing FAQs

The Capitol Connection is our weekly Q & A column for contractors that focuses on topics pertaining to contractor's licensing.

CSLB Meeting

Your seat at the CSLB meeting is waiting. You could have, should have and would have attended, except…something else always comes up. Let me share some of what you missed. I also help a contractor discover how wrong some advice can be, if not taken in context with a greater understanding of the ‘big’ picture… Q:…

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A Middle Showing

While this column is a contractor’s interactive resource featuring questions and answers based in real-world experience, the ‘Q&A’ also sometimes can tell a ‘story’. This time the questions begin with getting a California license, a middle showing how to help make it work and grow for you. And ends with, taking your license beyond the border…

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Using / Renewing Your License

Like so many situations in life, applying for, using and/or renewing your contractor’s license often depend on your individual history. While the rules and regulations are applied generally, every ‘problem’ can help illustrate the flexibility these laws provide individual contractors, as our first questions for 2007 demonstrate. I will also offer my ‘two cents’ on the…

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Interpretation of “B” Classification

While the rules and regulations guiding contractors licensing are written in black and white, there exist gray areas in the law. A sharp contractor has been ‘reading between the lines’ and discovered an ‘inconvenient truth’, with apologies to Al Gore, that may be of interest. Contractors can also benefit from learning about the new training available…

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Contractors Replacing RMO

The U.S. population broke the 300 million mark last week, and you may think all those people are calling the CSLB when you try to dial in. Ill work out the problems for a contractor replacing his RMO. I also do the heavy-lifting to assist someone who is concerned about pumped up license claims and help…

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Best of Kalb’s Column

I am out of the office but wanted to share some of the best of our Capitol Connection. Im back to work helping contractors sort out real world licensing and other issues next week. David. From August 2003 One of my greatest pleasures is hearing from readers who often respond to a particular column theyve read.…

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