Capitol Services

Capitol Services

Multiple Active Contractor Licenses

Giving your contracting business a name has definite requirements and certain limitations in law. So how do licensed contractors decide what to name a new company when they have joined forces? If you’ve seen the red lights flashing in the…

California Contractors License Renewal

Some ‘surprises’ are nice, while some others in life and business, not so much. Sometimes avoiding a ‘surprise’ is just as nice as receiving one. Another contractor caught unaware will find there are sometimes no good answers to share… Q:…

Contractor’s Experience Opens

Experience is often the key to unlocking new opportunity. That’s always the case when contractors seek to add a new classification, secure an exam waiver or apply for a new license. A caution for contractors in our final plea, that…

California General Contractors

Readers know that space limitations sometimes reduce how much specific information can be provided for any inquiry. I welcome any questions or need for additional input at any time on the ‘Q&A’ you read here. Hearing from readers is one…